
Why We Cannot Trust the Gospels

The first half of WHY WE CANNOT TRUST THE GOSPELS can be read here free of charge, and if you find this "try-before-you-buy" free sample interesting, the book itself is available on Amazon.  Amazon.COM or Amazon.CO.UK This relatively quick cogent read explains the existence of both Christianity and the New Testament without any reference to …

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The Birthing of Modern Christianity

Orthodox dogma never acknowledges the obvious differences between Paul and the other Apostles. It simply homogenizes Paul and the other Apostles into a single cohesive force, and then claims this single cohesive force successfully launched Christianity onto an unsuspecting world. Exactly how this mythical launch of a radical new concept was actually achieved still remains …

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Making God Redundant

In this short blog I will attempt to do two things: Summarise the ideas developed in my book WHY WE CANNOT TRUST THE GOSPELS [1] Demonstrate why discrediting the Vatican's claim that Peter was martyred as a Christian in Rome would automatically makes God redundant. For centuries, Orthodox Christianity has insisted the four New Testament …

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Christianity’s Achilles Heel

For centuries the Orthodox Church claimed the Gospels were historically accurate documents written by reliable eye witnesses well before the sacking of the Jewish Temple in 70 CE, and some traditional apologists still cling to these original early Gospel dates, but modern scholarship now suggests the Gospels were actually written by unknown authors well after …

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Was Jesus resurrected in Jerusalem?

Some time ago, I challenged Christian bloggers to provide a convincing evidenced-based argument that proves Jesus was resurrected in Jerusalem as claimed. For the apologetic purists out there, I define proof as an evidence-based argument that confirms the veracity of a claim/assertion or an evidence-based argument that refutes the veracity of a claim/assertion. At the …

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Wanted! Definitive Proof that Jesus was Resurrected in Jerusalem.

Attention all Christians. I’m seeking a detailed, stress tested, cogent evidence-based argument that claims to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that Jesus really was resurrected in Jerusalem c 30 CE. All the apologetic arguments I've seen to date, including the argument proffered below by Gary Habermas, are unconvincing arguments based on cherry picked data &/or …

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Re-Appraisal of Galatians 1:19

In Galatians 1:19, Paul simply states “I saw none of the other apostles—only James, the Lord’s brother". My initial appraisal of this simple 12 word verse suggested the simple phrase “only James, the Lord’s brother" could have been a simple interpolation engineered by Marcion in the first half of the second century. Although technically feasible, …

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Was Peter Martyred in Rome?

For most Christians, Peter’s alleged martyrdom in Rome serves only to reinforce long established dogma that most of Jesus’ Apostles died as martyrs proclaiming their faith. However, Peter’s alleged martyrdom in Rome also underwrites the Vatican’s authority. This is why the Roman Catholic Church categorically states [1] “it’s an indisputably established historical fact that St. …

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The Christianity Myth Argument – The Real Foundational Ideas

Stuart Gray is a Christian apologist, and he and I have been exchanging emails about our views on the origins of Christianity. He recently posted an interesting critique of my Christianity Myth argument called “Could Jesus’ Resurrection Have Been a Cunning Lie?” I commented that his critique of my argument suggested he had not fully …

Continue reading The Christianity Myth Argument – The Real Foundational Ideas

On Discussing Islam with Muslims & Non-Muslims

In this blog I focus on political Islam & attempt to answer the following questions: What is Islam? Why is the Koran so difficult to understand? What exactly is political Islam? Why should non-Muslims be concerned about political Islam? Why is the religion of peace really the religion of war? Why do white, middle-class, liberal …

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On discussing Christianity with Christians & Non Christians

Christians claim Jesus is the son of God, but what they really mean is they’re personally convinced Jesus is the son of god. Given the available evidence, it’s impossible to actually prove he's the son of god. However, the available evidence can be used to demonstrate why he's not the son of god. What’s more, …

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Majority Normality v Minority Normality

As I grew up, I slowly began to realize that my perceived normality was not always the same as other people’s perceived normality. My minority normality seemed to differ from their majority normality in many different ways, and I often had difficulty understanding why they so often seemed interested in uninteresting things, and often totally …

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The Christianity Merry Go Round

Or how to debate Christian apologists like Gary Habermas and win…….. Real Christians are defined by their unshakeable belief that Jesus was resurrected in Jerusalem. In reality they simply choose to believe what can never be proved. It’s called faith!!! Churches are very adept at peddling the resurrection myth, knowing full well their flocks will …

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Habermas & the Gospel Evidence

Those fully conversant with Gary Habermas’s latest views about the authenticity of the gospels will appreciate the subtle but highly significant differences between the two simple arguments summarized below. Habermas’ argument can be summarized as: Peter told Paul about the resurrection in Jerusalem. Paul then propagated Peter’s claims. Unknown gospel authors then immortalized Peter’s claims …

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Christianity in a Nut Shell

There’s no independent evidence supporting Christian claims that Jesus was resurrected in Jerusalem. Paul’s conversion experience on the road to Damascus can now readily be explained using our current knowledge of temporal lobe epilepsy. The existence of the New Testament Gospels can now readily be explained without resorting to divine interventions. The orthodox model of …

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A Critique of Gary Habermas’ Fatally Flawed Argument

NB Click on any RED TEXT for further retails Gary Habermas [click red text for details] is a Christian scholar, leading Christian apologist and he also stars in several U-Tube videos, including one called the resurrection evidence that changed current scholarship. Habermas takes it for granted that Jesus was resurrected in Jerusalem and he spends an …

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Religiosity v Objectivity

Just a couple of quick points following on from the religiosity spectrum concept introduced in my last blog  First point. I think it's fair to say most people can be classified either as needy theists, passive theists or non theists. Needy theists are those with a strong intrinsic need to believe what they do believe …

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Religiosity-Biology or Brain-Washing?

Most people accept that their own religious beliefs, if any, are influenced by the religious beliefs of their parents. They also accept these beliefs are also influenced, to a greater or lesser extent, by the prevailing cultural values of those around them. Many people simply adsorb the religious culture of their parents. These people are …

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Six Reasons Why I’m Not a Christian

I did think my blogging days were well & truly over. I’d said all I wanted to say about Christianity and its dubious origins, and I’d relegated myself to a casual blog reader who left occasional comments. However, recent unprovoked abusive comments from a certain blogger [see here and here] have caused me to saddle …

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